Initial access Print

Our VPS setup will only allow initial connection via private SSH key.
It can be changed afterwards as you wish.
The easiest method of creating one is via PuTTYgen.

If you do not already have PuTTY, it can be installed from:

Newer versions can be found here:

In order to add a private key at the setup step, please follow these instructions:

Once installed, search for PuTTYgen and start it.
From there click "Generate" and follow the on screen instructions.

Our VPS order page will require the newly generated public key in its entirety.
Press the button "Save private key" and save it somewhere safe, you will need it in order to access your new VPS.
Select Yes on the warning or No if you wish to go back and attach a password for the key file, for increased security

Initial VPS username is the name of the selected Operating System without the version name.
For example the username for Ubuntu 20.04 is "ubuntu".

Now search for the application PuTTY and start it.
Add the VPS IP into the hostname field.
The IP can be found under domain once you login via our website and access your VPS service.
On the left side of PuTTY, go to "Connection" -> "SSH" -> "Auth" and click the "Browse" button.
Select the .ppk file saved earlier and then click "Open".

If you do not add your own public key, a random one will be assigned to the VPS.
In order to use it with Putty, you will need to download the private key from your dashboard, once the VPS is active.
Afterwards open PuttyGen, Select "Conversions" in the upper left side of the window, then "Import Key" and select the newly downloaded .rsa file
Choose "Save private key" afterwards and use it to access your VPS as explained above.

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